The Atlantic SalmonThe leaper The Black CrappiePerfect for a sangwich! The BluegillA fan favorite The BowfinNot a burbot The Brook TroutA WNY native The Brown BullheadA little catfish The Brown TroutOne of the wiliest The Channel CatfishA big catfish The Chinook SalmonThe king The Coho SalmonEverybody loves the coho The Common CarpCorp The Lake TroutSometimes also a river trout The Largemouth BassThe classic The Longnose GarThe fossil The MuskellungeThe fish of 10000 Casts The Northern PikeWatch your fingas! The Pink SalmonA rarity The PumpkinseedIdk how I don't have a pic of this fish The Rainbow TroutMy favorite fish The Rock BassKeep an eye out The Smallmouth BassIs not a largemouth with a small mouth The SteelheadAlso my favorite fish The Tiger MuskellungeThe fish of 5000 casts The WalleyeThe tastiest fish in the area The White BassThe side quest The White PerchNot a white bass The Grass CarpIf cows could swim